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wire saw China,stone profile machine Solution to common problems in polishing process of polishing machineTime:2018-08-18 Hits:3132
Solution to common problems in polishing process of polishing machine (1) excessive polishing the biggest problem encountered in daily polishing process is "excessive polishing", which means that the longer the polishing time is, the worse the quality of the mold surface will be. There are two phenomena of excessive polishing: orange peel and pitting. Excessive polishing often occurs in mechanical polishing.
The irregular rough surface is called "orange peel", and there are many reasons for the production of "orange peel", the most common reason being that the mold surface passes through Excessive heat or carburization, excessive polishing pressure and long polishing time are the main causes of "orange peel". For example: polishing wheel polishing, the heat generated by polishing wheel can easily cause "orange peel". Hard steel can withstand more pressure polishing, relatively soft steel is prone to excessive polishing, research has shown that the time to produce excessive polishing varies with the hardness of the steel. (3) measures to eliminate "orange peel" of workpiece When surface quality is found to be poor, many people increase the pressure of polishing and extend the time of polishing, which tends to make the surface quality worse. Remedial action can be taken by removing the defective surface with a slightly coarser particle size than previously used sand Numbers, and then grinding with a lower intensity than previously used. With lower tempering temperature 25 ℃ temperature stress relieving, use the fine sand in front of the polishing, grinding, until you reach satisfactory results, finally to lighter degree of polishing. (4) causes of "pitting" on workpiece surface As there are some non-metallic impurities in the steel, usually hard and brittle oxides, which are pulled from the steel surface during the polishing process to form micro-pits or pitting, the main factors of "pitting" are as follows: 1) too much pressure and too long polishing time 2) the purity of steel is not enough, and the content of hard impurities is high. 3) rust on the mold surface. 4) black leather has not been cleared
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